Friday, October 28, 2016

Joseph Sandy on The Issues

Joseph D. Sandy 

on The Issues

Should I find myself selected for a ‘seat at the table,’ you can bet I won’t be bought and sold. The fact is, a vote for Joseph Sandy is a vote for SMALLER GOVERNMENT and that starts with RETURNING YOUR HARD-EARNED MONEY TO YOUR POCKET, period! 

I am ever open to inquiries, so please feel free to reach out via the contact information provided.


When selected for a representative position, I vow to present and support legislation eliminating and prohibiting the use of many forms of surveillance equipment, including red light & speed cameras on our roadways, without individualized warrants or probable documented suspicion of individualized wrongdoing.

In our innovative, ever-growing technological world, American citizens grow increasingly wary of unwarranted bulk data collection, domestic spying by our government, and the ever-growing prospect of loss of privacy. Sometimes you might as well say it seems there’s a camera on every corner of America. And it’s got its eye on YOU, all the time. Every phone call, every internet search, every keystroke, every text message, every social media post.

There are shockingly few laws in place regarding the state’s use of surveillance equipment and bulk data collection. Your every move can easily be tracked today – all without any individual warrant, or even any legitimate suspicion that you have done anything wrong. It’s as though the government is waiting for you to ‘slip up’ so that you can pay-up to the state. We must END COOPERATION WITH FEDERAL SURVEILLANCE, REGULATION, OVERSIGHT, AND CONTROL. We must strive to end unconstitutional spying and data collection without individual warrants.

Not to mention that having and using drones, red light cameras, speed cameras, and all kinds of surveillance equipment leads to HUGE CORPORATE PROFITS for Big Business. They make a FORTUNE from your tax dollars when the state invests in this equipment – often without your knowledge, and most assuredly against most citizens’ consent.

Red light cameras and speed cameras lead to BREACHES IN CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT. Citizens are being falsely ticketed for vehicles that don’t even belong to them, or for vehicles in which the ticketed citizen was not the driver. Speed and red light cameras are well-documented as being error-prone. And yet this FRAUD is allowed to continue because the vendors of these devices make HUGE profits, and Maryland collects HUGE profits from citations that are EXTREMELY DIFFICULT to fight when a citizen is falsely cited. The devices aren’t even owned by the state government – in fact, they are owned by the vendors. It is the vendors who charge citizens a fine – one that is all too often in error, and then the state simply gets a cut of the profits. This is a FAILURE OF DUE PROCESS UNDER THE LAW, and that is a BREACH OF CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT.

It is up to Marylanders to demand that it come to an end.

We the people have a choice – it’s just not in Big Government’s (or Big Business’) interests to remind you of that. We have a choice, we have a right to be informed, and we have a right to individual privacy. It’s a human right and our own Supreme Court has upheld it in countless cases throughout time. Not to mention our right to DUE PROCESS UNDER THE LAW!

When selected for a representative position, I vow to present and support legislation eliminating and prohibiting the use of many forms of surveillance equipment, including red light & speed cameras on our roadways, without individualized warrants or probable documented suspicion of individualized wrongdoing.

We absolutely must choose the correct representative individuals who will bear our most basic human rights in mind – and remain ever-vigilant when our liberties are threatened.


When selected for a representative position, I vow to present and support legislation to propose the implementation of term limits for all representative officials within the realm of my representative position.

A term limit is a limit on the amount of time a representative may hold an elected office. Term limits are often thought to prevent long-term corruption and increase performance of representatives holding elected or appointed seats – making them work for you and me.

Members of Congress have no term limits. They have all the time in the world to build relationships with lobbyists for big-time corporations who will influence their legislation – instead of you and I being the primarily influences behind legislation proposed by our representatives. And with all the time in the world once occupying that seat, it doesn’t offer much incentive to get anything done.

Our founding fathers knew that people given power will eventually be corrupted by it if you give them unlimited time in a position of power.

If you put limits on the amount of time reserved for any one person to hold a position of power in representing the people, they will more likely run for a position for the purpose of serving the people.

If selected for a representative position, I vow to present and support legislation to propose the implementation of term limits for all representative officials within the realm of my representative position.

It’s no secret and no surprise that career politicians aren’t very popular among the people.

So maybe we shouldn’t aspire to have CAREER politicians.

The fact is, the will of the people must be heard and will be heard – this is my priority.

I’m not a career politician. But I sure fulfill many roles of service in my life. I’m a member of several local community councils. I’m a dedicated libertarian and am involved in the Libertarian Party of Maryland and its Baltimore County subcommittee. I assist at a local nonprofit animal rescue, Adopt-A-Homeless-Animal Rescue. I’m a designated storm spotter for the National Weather Service. I am a healthcare professional working for nearly eleven years with world class physicians and practitioners in delivering mental health care services to the regional community in need, and most recently, I assist in providing hospice services to the regional community in need of ongoing palliative care via home & assisted-living community visitation. Public service is important in my life, and an informed public is close to my heart. What I am NOT is someone who is bought-and-sold, as are too many of our career politicians. And should I find myself selected for a ‘seat at the table,’ I vow not to settle-in indefinitely, as have TOO MANY POLITICIANS done for decades.

It is time to END LIMITLESS TERMS in public office. Our DEMOCRACY demands it. ACCURATE REPRESENTATION demands it. The FREE MARKET demands it. Our LAND OF THE FREE demands it.

And THE PEOPLE demand it.

Term limits preserve our liberty.


If selected for a representative position, I vow ONLY to support and present legislation that:

- reduces government to its simplest societal functions:

                - a court system to provide stability, enforce contracts, and prohibit fraud;

                - a police force to uphold the law, to serve, and to protect Americans;

                - a military to protect national security interests & American lives;

- ends public funding & financing of private activities & privately-owned entities

- encourages small-business startups and entrepreneurs

- encourages individual choice & respects freedom of individuals – including but not limited to education, healthcare, and the ability for local communities to govern themselves with as little state government interference as possible

Marylanders deserve the best.

We CAN and MUST enact change.


Yours in Liberty,

Joseph D. Sandy

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